

Our breweries and location partners are more than a spot for class, they are the community hub for the work we do. We have been lucky to work with a variety of breweries and locations that help us build an atmosphere of creation and collaboration! Fabulous brews help too, of course! 
If you are interested in hosting Beer & Ballet, or know a spot that has a floor made for dancin' on, reach out about collaborations here.

Florida Breweries & Location Partners

Maryland Breweries & Location Partners

Photography Partners

Sponsors of Beer & Ballet support our efforts to create moments of connection and collaboration. We are proud to showcase our sponsors to our vibrant community of creative movers and brew enthusiasts, and we are always excited to see what blossoms when we work together with our community in new ways.

At Beer & Ballet, we are making our community more vibrant and engaging. Celebrating our seventh year, we bring beer and dance enthusiasts together in an unforgettable experience of brews, movement, and connection.

This season, we are focusing on the following goals:

Provide a safe environment for folks to explore movement and connect with members of their community

Establish relationships and collaborative opportunities for local artists and businesses

Facilitate professional development opportunities and payment for the time and services of our staff

Uplift various genres and voices of the dance and brewing communityOver the years, Beer & Ballet has become known for its community outreach and positive spirit.

Interested in Getting Involved as a Sponsor?

View Our Sponsorship Options

Do you know a brand or company that would make a perfect sponsor? 
Download and share our sponsorship options with them! 

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Current Sponsors